The Beginning

My love affair with food began as a child. I was never a picky eater and as a matter of fact the only food that I can remember not liking was pancakes, which is crazy because I love them now. I loved food so much that I was very overweight until about the tenth grade when a friend dared me to go on a diet with her. That was just the motivation I needed to get control of my eating habits. I eventually lost the weight and have kept it off ever since. Anyway, this blog is not about my weight, but about my love for food and cooking.

People tell me all the time that I am a good cook, but I truly don’t think I fall into the category of “good cook”. I am just a “good recipe finder” and I follow directions well. When I try a new food that I think is to die for, I get the recipe and put it in my recipe binder. I also have some trusty sources for recipes that I go to whenever I am looking for a good recipe.  I am not someone that can throw ingredients together and create some fabulous original dish. That to me, is the definition of a good cook.

I also have lived in Italy for the past year and have discovered a whole new world of food and food culture.

I created this blog to share my love of everyday cooking with you. I am no Martha Stewart; she is too complicated for my lifestyle. Although I am from the south, I am no Paula Deen; she uses too much butter. I am definitely no Rachel Ray; she is WAY too perky! I am just an ordinary girl that likes to try new foods and new recipes and would like to share some of my food experiences with you.

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